Wildlife conservation has never been more critical…

Like many others, I find myself becoming increasingly saddened and concerned about the war (and let’s be clear, that is what it is) being waged on our habitats, ecosystems, wildlife and biodiversity.

This blog site is a vehicle where these concerns can be discussed and debated. I wear various professional hats and I’m active in numerous forums, but this is personal.

This blog site will capture my personal views, opinions, thoughts and reflections. Some you may agree with, some you may not. But one thing is for sure, we need more people now to take a stance against those who are hell bent on destroying our natural heritage for their own gain or pleasure, and especially where this is done in the name of profit and greed.

I have spent the past 30 plus years working as a professional environmental educator and wildlife conservationist, so I will also share some of my experiences from my many adventures and the wonderful wildlife projects I have worked on.

I will also share others’ experiences as they try to combat the rising tide of persecution against wildlife and in particular against predator species. There is a lot of ignorance and misinformation out there, which saddens me greatly and makes me question how we arrived where we are now.

I welcome healthy debate but will have no truck with trolls and those with psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. I am a perpetual student and eager to learn, but I will never tolerate abuse, bullying coercion or manipulation. If you want to comment and debate, then come armed with facts and science, and we can talk.

One comment

  • Debbie Pritchard

    Looking forward to conversations about our natural heritage before governments destroy it all. Let us all remember, we are nature, we need it more than it needs us.


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